I have been active in engineering field over 20 years. I have been interested in cars and everything around them since I was a child, so this field was tailor-made for me. I have 17-year-old professional experience in automotive industry, mainly for Daimler AG car maker located in Stuttgart, Germany, where I had been living for 11 years. Being part of a car industry was my big dream – and it came true in 2002 by joining daughter company of Daimler in Prague, from where I later made my first business trip to Germany. There, I soon had been spending approximately half of my working life working on a projects.

To talk about the projects I have participated in, I can mention dealing with issue of chassis of both automobiles and lorries, developing of 6-cylinder petrol propulsion for automobiles; I had been dealing also with hybrid propulsions and last but not least testing components for aviation and developing retaining systems in cargo bays of Airbus planes. I am especially proud of my hydrogen propulsion patent (for both automobile vehicles and lorries and buses) – I was part of these propulsions development for 8 years and it was, how they say it, my heart and soul, because I have seen the meaning and future in it.

If I should describe my job activities more, I would say I had started as a design engineer and went through development area and making of studies to project management, where my main task was dealing with suppliers and internal company colleagues, such as mechanicians, purchasing officers, quality inspectors, computation workers and others. I was also responsible for components in development, I had been dealing with presenting and urging changes within company and occasional testing of prototype vehicles, which meant another of my professional goals has been fulfilled.

Therefore I am a professional with a wide scope of activity and long-time experience in automotive field, who feels like passing on her precious experience and so helping her branch colleagues in Czech and German area to reach the required qualities, make the working process more effective and create themselves good reputation within the market. My mission is to show to the manufacturing companies how the things in our field work, how they are set and why, point out the commonly widespread mistakes and teach my colleagues how to prevent them. I have learnt a lot during my career and I believe that I can achieve much more. So do not hesitate to contact me.

