Czechia and German speaking countries

Professional training/consulting for manufacturing companies within Czech Republic and German speaking countries

  • Communication with customer
  • Management of changes at car maker
  • Automotive designs
  • Measurement checking of materials/parts in automotive
  • Work profile
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Hydrogen systems

Professional consultancy service and hydrogen technologies development consulting not only within automotive field

  • In which case you should make use of the professional consultancy service and hydrogen technologies development consulting
  • Advantages of non-party person with expert knowledge
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Business coaching

Professional guidance of certified coach both for company leaders and employees even beyond automotive.

  • For what purposes you could need the guidance of a coach
  • Basic competence of a proffessional ICF coach
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Why get trained?

Increase efficiency

To reach the best possible results, you have to know the dos and don‘ts. What‘s the method for the maximal work efectiveness?

Time savings

It‘s great to have everything done, but your time is precious. I‘ll advise  you how to save as much time as possible.

Great reputation with your customers

Your reputation is crucial for the clients. I‘ll help you to create such a good name they‘ll never doubt again.

Who is the training primarily intended for?

Project managers

To increase the quality of communication with your customer. Easy communication strenghtens partnership, saves time and decreases level of misunderstanding.

Company designers

Construction is a headstone of every manufacturing company. Quality of the products depends on a quality of construction and designs. Regular trainings of design engineers mean company money saving.

Project leaders

To increase the quality of presentations meant for the customers. That makes the cooperation easier and saves time on both sides: internally inside the company and customer‘s too.

Company mechanics

Great emphasis is put on a quality of the products. Before reaching the requested quality, it‘s needed to produce several prototypes, measure them and discuss potential deflections with the customer. Successful and quick communication is based on a high-quality materials.

Frequently asked questions

I‘ll let you to take a look into a car factory. I‘ll show you the design engineer‘s point of view. I‘ll have a look at your work by design engineer‘s eyes. That‘s going to bring you time saving for both your employees and colleagues on the customer‘s side as a result. Also good reputation, opportunities of accepting more orders or providing more free time to rest to your employees that‘s so needed for decent work performance, and so overall satisfaction.

The professionalism and performance efficiency of your employees is going to increase. The employees will gain good feeling of well done job and higher motivation. Also the customer will be satisfied. The precious time will be saved and the customer will be accommodating for further cooperation while recommending your company to others.

Your employees are undoubtedly good at making presentations. But automotive field is focused on content, intelligibility and clear arrangement of the presentations a lot. I know the target group of the presentations and frequently asked questions very well, so I know how the presentations should look like, what they should and shouldn‘t contain.

It‘s great that you have capable design engineers; that means that cooperation with them must be very easy. I‘m not going to give you an advice, where should be which dimension, tolerance etc., but what your designers should be wary of if we talk about quality of designes meant for car factories. What the designs should contain and what shall not be part of them. Even in automotive the designs undergo checking. When the designers stick to the rules strictly, it leads to time saving, which means money saving for both sides. I know it very well myself, that designs checking isn‘t much popular activity. So why not shorten this time to just an indispensable.

Are you sure you don‘t deal with any communication issues? Do you know when and how to inform effectively about any construction changes or any production defect or deflection? This is very important for your employees to know when and how to inform their colleagues in a car factory. This kind of communication is very important and have an impact on time and money management. In this case, every mistake and hestitation costs dearly.